Powys asset management – biggest county in Wales
The Welsh county of Powys, the largest county in Wales, was looking to find a replacement highway structures management system due to the withdrawal of their existing solution. To help manage thousands of assets that fall within their maintenance responsibility, Powys grasped the opportunity to look at a new system to support their needs.
Why choose AMX?
As part of a rigorous selection process AMX Solutions presented Asset Management eXpert (AMX) to representatives from Powys. It was clear that, due to its flexible nature, not only could AMX be tailored to the county’s unique requirements but could also be cost effectively managed using a shared, externally hosted package, saving time and money.
How does AMX help?
Since its implementation, some of the most significant benefits identified have been the:
Ability to bulk upload and edit – this has helped to cleanse data and make changes quickly and efficiently.
Easy configuration – giving the authorities autonomy to configure the database to meet their requirements without having to wait for a third party.
Mobility – enabling inspectors to be more productive while in the field and capture accurate data for inventory.
Cost savings – as the solution is shared by both authorities, economies of scale can be achieved.
Excellent support – the team know that any issues or suggestions will be listened to, technically understood and acted upon.
AMX has facilitated the streamlining of internal processes to improve productivity and effective asset management, meaning better control of budgets and resources. As a result, it is already being explored for rollout into other relevant departments.
"AMX offers our Authority a powerful and flexible system to manage all our highway asset requirements. This, combined with excellent customer support, puts the product head and shoulders above the competition."
Antony Roberts, Highways and Structures Officer, Powys County Council