Bridges & Structures

Take command of your assets with the AMX Structure Module.
The AMX Structure Module: All asset information in one place and at your fingertips with comprehensive inventory, complete structure inspections (General/Principal/Scour, etc.) supported by mobile inspection proformas to carry out inspections seamlessly on site, capturing defect details including severity/extent and images with automatic calculation of Structure Condition Index scores (Av and Crit) at stock, group and individual structure level. Prioritise and generate multi-year works programme, issue work orders, monitor costs, and update asset conditions as works are completed. Perform lifecycle cost analysis and evaluate the impact of various maintenance strategies on long-term stock performance. Attach all relevant drawings and documents for easy access and review, including offline access on mobile devices to enhance inspection quality. Record and manage incidents, Abnormal Load movements, and much more to ensure you ultimately control your assets.

AMX Standard Features
In-depth, customisable reports
Lifecycle Planning
Budget Management & Forecast
Big Data Capacity
Import all existing data
Mapping with NSG, GIS
API for third-party system connection
You customise for your needs
Android, iOS, Windows
Tablets and Phones
Online/Offline synchronisation
Real-time data access
Enterprise Desktop
AMX Mobile
Hosted solution available

Asset Types
✓ Bridge
✓ Culvert
✓ Subway
✓ Tunnel
✓ Retaining Wall
✓ Sign / Gantry
✓ Road
✓ High Mast
✓ Cellar / Vault
✓ Underpass
✓ Barrier
✓ Embankment
And many more...

Compared to other structure (bridge) management systems this is so flexible and adaptable to what you need, in my opinion it is by far the market leader, especially the ability to manipulate things, maps, photos and the bulk edit tool, which are amazing.